Understanding Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Triggers

Do you suspect that your child may have a lung condition? Talking with the experienced medical staff at All Children Pediatrics located in Louisville, KY, about your child's medical history and symptoms of the disease can help in diagnosing if your child is asthmatic. If you’re seeking answers, we’ll help you get them.

What is an Asthmatic Condition? 

Doctors consider this condition to be genetic or environmental, with outside forces triggering the immune response in your child's body. This response causes the child's airways to become inflamed and narrowed. This inflammation creates tightening in the chest along with wheezing and coughing. 

A trigger causes a temporary increased production of mucus, which can fill the lungs and cause poor air exchange in the lung's alveoli (air sacs). 

The following are a few common triggers that may cause increased asthmatic symptoms in your child. 

  • Mold, pollen, dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Tree, grass, and weed pollen
  • Excrement from mice, rats, or cockroaches
  • Household chemicals
  • Medications
  • Breathing in outdoor pollutants or cold air without a face covering
  • Smoke from tobacco products

Types of Asthmatic Conditions

According to our expert doctors at All Children Pediatrics located in Louisville, KY, there are different types of asthma. The following include the general signs and symptoms associated with the disease. 

Intermittent - This type of bronchial condition can come and go, with times of no asthmatic symptoms and then increased symptoms. 

Persistent - Your child's symptoms will almost always be present but may be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how controlled their condition is.

Exercise Induced - Symptoms can increase due to exercise but will typically calm down with rest. 

Signs and Symptoms of An Asthmatic Condition

When increased asthma symptoms strike, your child may experience an inability to catch their breath or take a deep breath, make wheezing sounds when breathing, and have increased coughing. Our doctors want to know when and how often increased asthmatic symptoms occur. Symptoms may worsen as your child awakens from sleep or bedtime, with unrelieved tightness in their chest. 

Treatment of An Asthmatic Condition

Treatments vary according to your child's symptoms. Keeping a journal of signs and potential causes helps our doctors. Our doctors may perform a spirometry test, measuring your child's airflow. 

If found to be an asthmatic, there are a variety of medications that can help your child breathe better. Bronchodilators, allergy, and anti-inflammatory medications can be valuable tools for asthmatic management. 

Call For Your Appointment Today!

Call our four excellent pediatric doctors at 502-244-6373 at All Children Pediatrics in Louisville, KY. We await your call for an appointment to discuss your child's potential asthma signs and symptoms and formulate an asthmatic plan for treatment. 

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